10 items you totally rocked during your goth phase

Corsets-Red & Black Buckle Corset from Hot Topic

For the goth chick, these tops weren't reserved for the yearly Renaissance fair. They hugged your body just right to show off (and push up) your curves. Corsets gave the dark side an even sexier edge.

Tripps-Black & White Super Skull Chain Zip-Off Pants from Hot Topic

It was kind of an unspoken rule that the goth guy wore Tripp pants. If there was one way to identify a goth kid, it was by his Tripps. These bulky, baggy, black (and sometimes neon) pants had everything from straps to chains to an absurd amount of pockets.

Spiked Collars & Cuffs-Black Spike Bracelet from Hot Topic

If there’s one stereotypical image that’s been used over and over when it comes to goth kids, it’s the spiked dog collar. Spiked arm cuffs were part of that whole scene, too, but the collar was for those who were truly dedicated. If you wore that, you probably scared some people. I know I did…

Arm Warmers-Black and White Striped Arm Warmers from Polyvore

Whenever you slipped these on you felt like you were suiting up for battle—aka high school. Whether they were striped or buckled or laced, you probably had multiple pairs and you probably always got asked what the hell they were even for.

Fishnets-Black 1″ Diamond Fishnet Tights from Hot Topic

Fishnet material could be used for anything. If you were goth growing up, you had fishnet stockings, fishnet shirts, fishnet gloves, and yes, fishnet arm warmers. The problem with fishnets was they had a tendency to stretch out and lose their elasticity, turning their small holes into bigger ones.

Chains-Silver 24″ Chain from Hot Topic

Chains on your wallet, chains on your jeans, chains on your skirt—what didn’t you drape chains on? Of course it made getting into certain music venues a pain because of security, but it didn’t matter. Chains were a cornerstone of goth fashion.

Heavy Eye Makeup

You put black eyeshadow on top of black eyeliner and maybe even drew black lines, cobwebs or corpse stitches on your face. Maybe you did the Gerard Way look from the “Helena” music video where you smudged bright red shadow around your eyes. Whatever makeup you wore, it was a long process putting it on and taking it off every day.

Black Lipstick

Now, black lipstick is fashion forward and breaking out into the mainstream. A few years ago, however, you got some severe stares if you rocked the black lip. The first black lipstick we had access to was the cheap kind you got at Halloween stores. Nowadays there are much better options available.

Black Lace-Lovesick Goth Rose Choker from Hot Topic

The gothic style depends heavily on lace. Lace parasols, lace tops and lace chokers were all part of the deal. Lace is even a big part of home decor in the gothic style. It doesn’t end with what you can wear on your body!

Tall Gothic Boots-Tall with Flaming Skull Boots from New Rock Boots USA

For guys or girls, these boots were iconic of the gothic look. Whether it was the bulky platform or the skinny heel, these buckled beauties completed every outfit.  

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