
14 things that will give you hope in even the darkest of times

We thought today would be a good day to gather up the scene’s most heartwarming moments—moments that will make you smile, laugh and have hope even in the darkest of times.

Enjoy it all below.

When the cutest fan ever interrupted this Twenty One Pilots acoustic set

This pug playing the drums

There are no words to illustrate how amazing this really is. You just have to watch. If you love this video, see more like it here.

These preschoolers moshing and listening to metal is the actual best

This heartwarming video shows Centersun (the project of As Blood Runs Black guitarist Dan Sugarman) performing to a room full of preschoolers. Enjoy this. We did.

Read more: This Green Day proposal will make your heart melt

Let’s just revisit dogs wearing Knuckle Puck hats, shall we?

See more of Knuckle Puck’s canine fans here.

When Panic! At The Disco’s Brendon Urie shares exactly how Fall Out Boy came to be… Or something like that…

This 12-year-old tearing up the drums with Gojira

This summer, we collected six on-stage proposals that made us believe in love. Here's one from an All Time Low concert:

Watch all the videos, including Paramore and Tonight Alive here.

This heartwarming commercial where an awesome dad makes his goth daughter feel more at home

When William Beckett and his daughter, Evie, sang a song together on StageIt (start watching 30 seconds in)

Read more: Two grown men play thrash metal on children’s instruments, still shred

When Frank Iero tried to crawl in the coffin from the “Helena” video shoot and Ray Toro pulls him out after shouting “Are you showing your butt?!”

This fifth-grade girl’s diary entry about discovering punk music

Read more: Watch fan propose on stage during Avenged Sevenfold’s massive festival set

When the Foo Fighters rick rolled the Westboro Baptist Church

Here are some musicians celebrating National Dog Day this year:


Happy #NationalDogDay to #MaverickMullins who is very picky about what he does guest vocals on.

A video posted by Matty Mullins (@mattymullins) on

Find the whole list here.

When this guy made a DJ mix with sounds from petting his bulldog

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