July 1, 2010

Rock Yourself To Sleep Tour Diary (Episode 2)

We get a glimpse into Sing It Loud’s Motel 6 room and find out which frontman on the tour has the most questionable material on his website.

Hot Hot Heat - Tour Diary (Episode 1)

Hot Hot Heat take us behind the scenes on tour.

Picture Me Broken - Wide Awake

Picture Me Broken Wide Awake   A band comprised of teenagers is nothing new anymore. The music world has seen its share of incredible and paltry young adult performers shake or rock their way into either massive success or head-shaking infamy. Trouble is that when your press information and bio trumpet this fact incessantly, it...

From Them, Through Us, To You: Why Matthew Leone didn't deserve this

I met Madina Lake bassist Matthew Leone at some point during the sweaty thick of last summer’s Warped Tour, and I remember thinking, “This guy is quite possibly the happiest human being I’ve ever encountered.” Believe me, in my line of work, I meet a lot of dudes (and the occasional lady) who complain and...