The Riot Before call it quits

Richmond, VA's the Riot Before (Paper + Plastick) have called it quits after eight years together. An excerpt from the band's lengthy statement can be seen below:

“Two days after getting back from Fest 10 Jon texted me, “we need to talk.”  Like so many other aspects of existing in a band, the anticipated subject matter of one of these “talks” was the same as if it had been in its more common context of a romantic relationship.  You know before you know but you have to wait before you know.  Conveniently already at a bar, I ordered another drink and announced to my friends that my band had just broken up.

The following day I met Jon for coffee and he, never the most garrulous member of the band, skipped the small talk and regrettably announced that he was quitting the band.  There are myriad reasons to quit The Riot Before, and he listed a few good ones.  We chatted for a few minutes about our futures while finishing our coffees and then got up, shook hands, and went our separate ways.”

The Riot Before last released Rebellion in 2010.

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