
Jason Lytle - Yours Truly, The Commuter

Yours Truly, The Commuter

On Jason Lytle's solo debut, the artist better known as the voice and driving force behind defunct indie darlings Grandaddy delivers a richly textured work that is lovingly crafted and affectingly poignant. With spacey synthesizers, Elliott Smith-meets-Neil Young vocal melodies and the occasional rock-out moment, there's a strong sonic similarity to his previous output. On first impression, this familiarity actually serves to dull the overall impact. However, with the beautifully off-kilter twang of "Ghost Of My Old Dog" and the mournful "Fürget It," which builds into a gorgeous ethereal crescendo, a sensuous and fragile melancholy insinuates its way into the listener's heart and refuses to leave. This haunting tone unfurls itself further with every successive listen, making this an album worth returning to again and again.


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