

Grey Britain


For their major-label debut, British attitude-rockers Gallows let up on their snarling hardcore to give the proceedings some space to resonate. Sure, the tandem guitars of Stephen Carter and Laurent Barnard erect a scaffold of angularity and velocity from which frontman Frank Carter bellows his pointed diatribes of modern Britain. But while there are plenty of flailing tantrums that would feel right at home on a mixtape alongside Leatherface, Rage Against The Machine (“Leeches”) and Hot Cross, Grey Britain sports some decidedly non-punk maneuvers in the form of piano-concerto codas (“Misery”) and unnerving sound effects (“Crucifucks”) that elevate the band from mere street-punk clichés. Whether the mosh-kateers will embrace it remains to be seen. But given the ambitious scope of what they’ve accomplished here, it’s apparent Gallows couldn’t give a fuck what anybody thinks, anyway.
(SIRE) Jason Pettigrew

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