Only Thunder

Only Thunder

Lower Bounds


Featuring a grocery list of ex-members of underrated bands (the Blackout Pact, Ghost Buffalo and Pinhead Circus to name a few), Only Thunder’s aggressive, gruff style of punk rock logically follows its aggressive, gruff punk-rock lineage. But where members’ past bands sometimes adhered too closely to genre rules and regulations, Only Thunder sound less afraid to toss a total curveball at their audience, from the dark math-rock of “Fucking Your Way To The Middle” to the slow, deliberate build of “I’m A Witch, Burn Me.” Hot Water Music’s influence is undeniable, especially on songs like “Her Vs. The Triceramom,” but, for the most part, Lower Bounds is the sound of five guys striking out to produce something original, smashing together inventive guitar leads with thunderous choruses. If you need proof, check the massive gang vocals of “Airwolf.” That shit rules. (BERMUDA MOHAWK; Sam Sutherland

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