

Diamond Heist


Smartbomb’s members have done time in No Trigger and Shock Nagasaki, and you can hear their influence in Smartbomb’s melodic hardcore/punk sound (specifically No Trigger). However, Diamond Heist is more a decent slab of less melodic, purely raw speed that rocks a little bit more like old Descendents records, the Unseen’s brighter moments (what’s up, “Worcester, MA”?) or the now-defunct New Mexican Disaster Squad. The problem is, Smartbomb pale in comparison to the songwriting talents of those bands; what’s consequently left is superb background punk rock in need of more dynamism, chord changes, vocal inflection… anything to further break up the damn songs. Admittedly, late efforts like their ruggedly fun cover of Louis Armstrong‘s “In My Dreams,” the EpiFat-nodding “My Wicked Mind” and multi-part closer “Undercurrents” keep Smartbomb’s heads above water. (THINK FAST!) Brian Shultz

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