Brand New play first new song in six years—watch

If you're a Brand New fan, tonight is the night you were beginning to think would never come. Amongst other things, the band opened their show tonight at the Fillmore Auditorium in Denver, CO, with what appears to be a new song. Could it be from their upcoming album? Videos are pouring in from social media, but you can check out the full track, along with snippets from different angles below.

In case you missed it, earlier this evening the band deleted every post on their Instagram and then put up a new promo picture.

This came following an activity-filled weekend. 

On Friday, the first of many lyric booklets for Brand New's seminal album, The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me, was received. In case you're not familiar, the booklet that actually comes with the physical CD version of The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me doesn't contain any lyrics, but rather a handful of seemingly random photos and phrases. Near the end of the pamphlet, however, there is a sentence that contains an address, which reads: “Please send $1 to *address* for a complete copy of the lyrics.”

These new booklets contain more than just the album's lyrics, however, as they also boast a flyer serving as “confirmation” of those beloved Brand New demos from 2005 finally being released, a dollar bill and a few other goodies.

Contrary to popular belief, Brand New seem to be alive and well.


A video posted by Giovanni Carr (@giocarrmusic) on

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