Scott & Aimee

Scott & Aimee

Sitting In A Tree

[2.5/5] You’ll want to recheck the liner notes on the debut from Unwritten Law frontman Scott Russo and girlfriend/punk rock muse Aimee Allen to make sure what you’re listening to. That’s especially true on opener "Good Times," a chugging, eyeliner-drama-club anthem that could be an Evanescence B-side. Sitting also makes stops in UL-style pub sing-along territory before it shifts into reggae-lite bounce and blistering rock-often in the same song. The title track is another could-be cover, a California ska jam pulled straight from No Doubt’s well-worn playbook. "Girl With Issues" blazes over a spooky Dre-style piano sample, and "Miss America" spits and screams like a vicious punk rock nightmare. It’s a cool, schizophrenic listen, but like most stories from two people newly in love, a little goes a long way. (SIDE TRACKED) Luke O’Neil

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