
Blog is calling out plagiarized heavy metal album artwork

A new blog is pegging seemingly plagiarized heavy metal album cover artwork, as pointed out by Metal Sucks.

Read More: 10 albums with sinister cover art

The blog, Sad But True: Plagiarism In Heavy Metal Art, makes the case for several creative borrowings on the covers of many metal albums.

The blog reportedly just launched this month and has already fingered more than a few ostensible artwork rip-offs, identifying a strewn skeleton on the cover of Dying Fetus' Reign Supreme as a Frank Frazetta nip, or spotting '80s movie poster art on the front of Brutal Truth's End Time LP.

Go ahead and check out the blog—maybe one of your favorite metal albums allegedly lifted an art idea from a previous painting or poster.

Hey, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

Watch More: NECK DEEP: ‘Life’s Not Out To Get You’ album artwork meaning

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