
Vocalist launches Change.org petition to stop Facebook from charging bands to reach their fans

Illuminate Me frontman Christopher Murray has launched a Change.org petition asking Facebook to stop making bands (and companies as whole) pay money to reach their fans.

In case you don't know, Facebook not only charges pages for ads, but for individual posts as well. Of course, you don't have to pay for your post to be “boosted,” but if you don't, only a small percentage of your audience will see what you have to say. 

Read more: Bands: Here’s how to stop getting burned by Facebook

Murray claims to have paid up to $3,000 in advertising through Facebook for his band, getting the page to its current status of nearly 25,000 fans. 

In regards to Facebook as a whole, he had this to say:

Enough is enough, let's fight back. Facebook, it is not your place to put a price on our fan's eyes and ears.

What do you think? Should Facebook be charging bands to reach their fans?

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