Waterparks spark chaotic conspiracy theory with mysterious tweet—UPDATED

UPDATE: MARCH 28, 03:26 P.M. EST

After Waterparks began teasing a conspiracy theory of their own, we spent an ample amount of time thinking about what everything could mean. Yesterday, the band unveiled a cryptic tweet that honed in on the the number “103” from their “We Need To Talk” music video.

However, while it was originally thought to have little to do with the deletion of rumored album Friendly Reminder, we are starting to put the pieces together through a variety of fan theories.

As previously reported below, one fan speculated that “103” has something to do with the 103rd day of the year, which is Saturday, April 13. That said, April 13 is also Record Store Day.

However, theories didn’t stop there. Additionally, fans think the band’s teasers relate to Saturday, May 4 as well—which is National Orange Juice Day.

Why do you ask? Well, between their tease of something called “Saturday 7PM” a few days ago and their conspiracy theory-related posts last night, the emoji used for both tweets was an orange, thus linking the two pieces of the puzzle.

Additionally, the month of May was previously teased in the aforementioned tweets below.

While we aren’t sure what’s in store, we can’t be more excited for what’s to come.


Conspiracy theories are nothing new for the Waterparks fandom. However, the band themselves seem to be the instigators of the latest theory that has us shook to our core.  

On Twitter, the band tweeted out a picture of a signed T-shirt. However, Waterparks zoomed in on the time stamp of the screenshotted tweet and compared it to their music video for “We Need To Talk.” In the music video, the number on the door also reads, “103.”

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That said, many fans think Waterparks may be hinting at something crucial to their future releases. However, some think the band are just light-heartedly mocking the fandom’s super-sleuth abilities.

Check out what fans are saying below.

Additionally, the fans that believe the band are actually throwing them a bone are coming up with solutions to the cryptic tweet. A popular theory seems to be that the band may have something in store for fans on April 13, the 103rd day of the year. 

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Recently, Waterparks, specifically frontman Awsten Knight, has been talking about the fandom’s theories on Twitter. Yesterday, the band tweeted, “MAY. SATURDAY 7PM. AWSTEN REALLY OUT HERE SAYING FUCK UR THEORIES. SEE YOU THERE.”

With yesterday’s news of the band deleting all of the files from rumored upcoming album Friendly Reminder, it’s no surprise that fans are losing it. However, their latest self-induced conspiracy doesn’t seem to be related, or does it?

What do you make of Waterparks’ own conspiracy theory? Let us know in the comments below.

See more: 16 memorable band photos

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