Alien High School Play
[Photo via YouTube]

‘Alien’ school play gets surprise visit from Sigourney Weaver

Last month a New Jersey high school went viral for a play of Ridley Scott’s 1979 epic, Alien, but on Friday the school’s encore performance had a surprise guest – Sigourney Weaver.

Weaver shocked the cast of the play in the hallway before they went on and even congratulated them on stage.

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“I am not the star tonight,” she insisted, “The stars are waiting in the wings. How exciting is it to be here tonight? I am so thrilled. This is the night I’ve been waiting for.”

The actress also praised the teens and teachers as “extraordinary,” adding “I’ve only been here a couple of hours, but I can already tell that this is a very special place in a very special town.”

The town’s mayor Nick Sacco must have felt similarly as he announced each student involved would be receiving scholarships. The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts awarded each student a $1000 scholarship to their program and a $10,000 college scholarship to graduates.

After the play caught the attention of Scott, the director actually offered to fund the encore performance himself. Scott also wrote a letter to the students praising their commitment to the production and joked they should recreate Gladiator next.

Check out the video below to see footage of Sigourney Weaver’s visit as well as a behind the scenes making-of video showing how the production came together.

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