
A Japanese grindcore band started the new trend of “cockroach moshing”

Okay, let’s admit it: We’re all a fan of a good mosh pit. Nothing compares to throwing yourself into a massive pit of bodies at your favorite show.

The chaos of the pit may be in for a change though, thanks to Japanese grindcore band Viscera Infest, who have apparently formed their own kind of moshing of moshing known as “cockroach moshing.” And nothing truly compares to this.

See what it looks like below!

Read more: 7 major moments in the history of moshing

So, how does it work? Basically, fans lie on their backs with their arms and legs flailing into the air. It looks as crazy as it sounds—but, from an outsider’s perspective, it does appear as though it may be safer than a traditional pit? And for Viscera Infest fans, it seems to fit the band's title of “the world's fastest band,” as characterized by the video's caption.

Check out the band’s performance of “PARACOCCIDIOIDOMICOSISPROCTITISSARCOMUCOSIS” below, filled with an excellent dose of cockroach moshing.

If anything, this mosh pit might just be one to make our list of 11 mosh pits that made history, solely because of how unique it is.

And if you want a mosh pit at home, maybe test out Beartooth's interactive mosh pit simulator.

What are your thoughts on cockroach moshing? Let us know in the comments below!

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