
'Star Wars' metal band releasing galactic first album

It's a scientific fact that Star Wars makes everything better, which makes Galactic Empire the coolest band you'll listen to today.

The Star Wars cosplay band Galactic Empire will be releasing their debut self-titled album on Feb. 3. The album will feature some of the most iconic Star Wars songs such as “Imperial March” and “Battle of the Heroes”

“The puny humans at Velocity and Rise Records have succumbed to the crushing power of the Dark Side and will release our debut full-length album on which we pay tribute to Supreme Sith Overlord John Williams with 11 tracks of pure sonic devastation” said the band in a statement.

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The band began a KickStarter in May where they asked for $60,000 to “acquire the proper equipment we will need to put on an explosive live show, including amps, speaker cabinets, in-ear monitors, lighting rig, cases, transportation, trailer, merchandise, costume modifications and everything else needed to lay waste to your local system with pure sonic annihilation.”

That campaign raised over $61,000 and they will be embarking on a UK tour in February to support the new album.

Two singles from the album are already available — “Main Theme” and “Imperial March.”

Check out a video for “Imperial March” below:

“These instruments are crude but should be adequate to shred some faces as we journey across the galaxy. We have been doubling our efforts to complete our debut full-length album in time for the Emperor's arrival,” said guitarist Dark Vader.

The album is currently available for preorder here, featuring several different bundles. Some of the bundles include everything from sweatshirts to posters. You can also get a beautiful orange pressing of the album on vinyl, along with preordering a CD copy or a digital copy. Digital copies are also avaliable here on iTunes.

“If you are not part of the Rebel Alliance or a traitor, buy our singles on iTunes and prepare to succumb to the Dark Side upon our album’s release.”

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