
Pop punk, metalcore songs are getting played during football games and it's awesome

[Photo by Lily P. McLaughlin

Football season is upon us! The year’s kickoff took place over the weekend, with games being played across the country. If you tuned in even for just a little while, there’s a chance you heard a quick snippet of a song from your favorite band. Yep, that’s right—the NFL is using songs from our scene to transition in and out of certain show segments.

For example: Both Bring Me The Horizon’s “Avalanche” and Emarosa’s “Sure” were played during the first regular season game of the year last Thursday. 

Read more: You Me At Six offer NFL $2 million to play Super Bowl Halftime Show

Yesterday, Neck Deep, Real Friends and Broadside, among others, had songs played during games throughout the day. 


While it seems to becoming more common to hear bands from our scene during football games, it isn’t something that just started happening in 2016. During the 2015 Super Bowl, Transit’s “Long Lost Friends” was played before a commercial break. Bring Me The Horizon’s “What You Need” was played before the worldwide premiere of a Star Wars trailer during a game last October. Being As An Ocean have also gotten played before, and I See Stars were played on ESPN.

Regardless of whether or not you like watching football, it’s incredibly cool to see bands we love getting attention via a massive platform such as the NFL. 

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