
Pointless beef erupts between band on Fronz's label and fellow metalcore frontman

A pointless beef has erupted between It Lives, It Breathes and I, The Breather’s Shawn Spann over—get this—whose fanbase is the “true Breather Nation.” 

Read more: Angry metalcore guy has an opinion about Caitlyn Jenner and transgender people

Spann first shared a Facebook status indirectly calling out IL, IB over the slogan. “There is and will only be one #BreatherNation,” he wrote. “I feel that a band out there needs to know that just because we are ending as a band, our movement and family will long live.”

There is and will only be one #BreatherNation. I feel that a band out there needs to know that just because we are ending as a band, our movement and family will long live šŸ™‚

Posted by Shawn Spann on Sunday, February 28, 2016


IL, IB frontman Kevin Lacerda then posted a video in which he directly retaliates against Spann’s claim. “With all due respect to your band and your fanbase, the true Breather Nation stands exactly where it started with It Lives, It Breathes.”

To Shawn Spann of I, The Breather The TRUE Breather Nation is standing RIGHT HERE.

Posted by It Lives, It Breathes on Sunday, February 28, 2016

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