
Someone actually paid $25,000 to go bird watching with Weezer singer Rivers Cuomo

Yesterday Weezer revealed a special new “experience bundle” as a pre-order option for their new album. The bundle itself costs $25,000, and gets you a Greyhound bus ride to the Galapagos to go birdwatching with singer Rivers Cuomo, and late last night someone actually bought it. You can check out their announcement and the details of the bundle below.

Read More: For $25,000 you can go birdwatching with Weezer singer Rivers Cuomo


Whoa, got word that someone bought the $25k pre-order package on weezerwebstore.com late last night. Time to figure out how to get a Greyhound to the Galapagos.

Posted by Weezer on Thursday, January 21, 2016

The full details for this experience are as follows:

For $25,000 you'll get everything in The Ultimate Bundle as well as:

  • Take a Greyhound to the Galapagos with Rivers where you'll stay only for a limited time
  • Once you get to the islands, you'll go bird watching to try and find the elusive White-cheeked pintail
  • You'll go on a catamaran ride to Charles Darwin Research Station
  • Sing “the British are coming” with Rivers in the Galapagos but replace every lyric about “old king george” to “lonesome george”
  • Enjoy your complimentary signed copy of the album and a pair of tickets to see the band on their summer tour with Panic! At The Disco
  • Finally, you will be named King of the World for a day

*Please Note*

** You have to pay for Rivers on top of paying the band $25,000


Please note that is a pre-order item with a release date of 4/1/2016. The LP, CD, T-shirt, Hat, Crewneck Sweatshirt, & Frisbee will ship just before the release date of the album. 
You will receive a separate email for your digital download on the release date of the album (4/1/2016). 
You will be reached out to, by management, to get the sizing of your clothing and to work out the details of the trip!

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