
Former Power Rangers star arrested for murder

Looks like one of the the Power Rangers took his job a little too seriously. 

Ricardo Medina, former star of Power Rangers Samurai, has been arrested and charged with the stabbing and murder of his roommate. 

Read more: This R-rated, NSFW Power Rangers short film is brooding, gory and making waves

The two supposedly got into an argument over Medina' girlfriend on Jan. 31, 2015. When the argument turned physical, Medina stabbed his roommate with–get this–a sword. 

Medina was arrested for the same stabbing a year ago but ultimately released on claims of self-defense. Now, he'll be arraigned on Tuesday in Los Angeles. If convicted, he could face up to 26 years in prison. 

The Power Ranger also starred in a prior series, Power Rangers Wild Force. He has acting credits in episodes of ER and CSI: Miami.

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