[Photo by: Lindsey Byrnes]

7 times Twenty One Pilots were #FriendshipGoals

Ever hear of a little band called Twenty One Pilots? The genre-defying electro-pop-reggae-rap-punk-rock-all-the-other-words dynamic duo of frontman Tyler Joseph and drummer Josh Dun? Of course you have! Listening to TOP, becoming a die-hard fan and joining the Skeleton Clique usually means you have a deep and passionate appreciation for T & J’s undying best friendship. In internet speak, you could say they’re the ultimate in #FriendshipGoals. We agree, so we’ve compiled seven moments where Joseph and Dun really made us go weak at the knees with their perfect BFF activities. It’s aspirational, truly!

1. When they met!

The greatest stories tend to begin at the beginning, right? Joseph and Dun grew up in the same conservative Columbus community. . This one might not sound like the most romantic ideal, but it is: like origins create a means to connect—both boys found music as their way of healthy rebellion, and both boys share in that together. Best buds who make stuff together are the best kind!

2. When they created the perfect secret handshake

Well, as secret as it can be after getting its own silent feature in the official “Stressed Out” music video. (Peep it at the 45-second mark. You can probably watch it a few hundred times to try and nail it—judging by the videos 940,000,000-plus views, a few people have.) Nothing says friendship like slapping your buddy!

3. When they went to prison together

Alright, alright. This one is more of a fib, but who else would voluntarily enter the dangerous Suicide Squad universe? We’re not trying to go to prison.

4. Their constant ability to finish each other's sentences…and jokes

The only way to efficiently know what a person is thinking is to spend a considerable amount of time with them and to want to spend a considerable amount of time with them.Humans are social creatures, and we (more often than not) only pay attention to the people and things we want in our lives. Eventually this leads to finishing each other’s sentences, or at the very least, being able to anticipate what word comes next. Dun and Joseph have taken that to another level: They finish each other’s jokes. Not only is it hilarious, it’s adorable and they do it all the time. It’s truly a gift that keeps on giving.

5. When they did each other’s makeup

As anyone who has ever had another person apply makeup to their face (hopefully that’s everyone reading this, it’s a real treat) will tell you, there’s a certain level of trust that comes with anyone putting anything near, around and especially on your face. A lot of the items flying toward your sensory stations are long, dark, covered in powder or liquid and sometimes even pointed—you better hope and pray the person wielding them has your best interest at heart. Dun and Joseph going to town on each other’s mugs? That’s saying something…even when it’s down with a washable marker, in jest.

6. When they tattooed their names on each other!


I am sooooo happy to witness this!!!! Front row and got to see this. #TwentyOnePilots #ToPDebate #Milwaukee

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There something that happens to you when you start getting tattoos: You immediately want more of them. If you act on those impulses and become what society would deem a “tattooed person,” the meaning or even the specificity of what the tattoo is becomes less and less important. Okay, okay, so that isn’t true for everybody, but there’s a reason tattoo parlors have age limitations and inebriation restrictions. At any rate, getting someone’s name on your body permanently is huge, no matter the situation, especially if that name belongs to a person not related to you by blood and you’re not even sure you’ll like them in five years. So when Tyler and Josh took the ink plunge and tattooed each other’s names on themselves in 2015, we knew it was real—a real pair of BFFs.

7. When they looked at each other like this

Need we say more? Far too often are romantic and sexual relationships played off as the strongest bond between two people (outside of family, of course). What about friendships? Look at the way they’re looking into each other’s eyes! Look at it! What could be sweeter?

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