Hear a reimagined version of Brand New’s “Degausser” (exclusive)

A man operating under the moniker Simple Mind has recorded a reimagined version of Brand New's classic album, The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me. Today, he’s teaming up with AP to bring you the cover of Devil And God favorite “Degausser.” Check it out below, and let us know your thoughts.

Simple Mind comments, “This track was a huge experiment in synthesis. Almost every electronic sound was built from the ground up, then combined with the vocals, piano and guitar that are scattered throughout.  Like many folks, “Degausser” is one of my favorite Brand New songs. The first time I heard it back in 2006, I was absolutely floored. The original second verse is not included for several reasons, but it's my intention for people to take this reimagined version for what it is and not for what it isn't.”

Like what you hear? You can receive an instant download of “Degausser” and the whole record (on March 9) by signing up for Simple Mind’s mailing list.

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