EP Premiere: Night Birds, 'Maimed For The Masses'

Night Birds release their Maimed For The Masses 7″ today. You can listen to it, below, before you head to the Fat Wreck Chords online store to pick up your copy. The four-song EP received a four-out-of-five star review in AP #299, which is out today.

Says vocalist Brian Gorsegner:
“We started writing for our new album, Born To Die In Suburbia on Grave Mistake Records, and ended up with more songs then we wanted to put on the album. We were really happy with all the material, so we decided to do a proper single for the album, with 3 exclusive B sides.

My first exposure to punk rock was a dubbed cassette copy of NOFX “I Heard They Suck Live” that I got from a friend in 1996, so I thought it was cool when the opportunity presented itself for our new 7″ to be released with Fat [Wreck Chords].

The title track for the EP is called “Maimed For The Masses”. This song is a tribute of sorts to wrestling legend Mick Foley. It's about giving something you love your all, even if it means bloodying and destroying yourself along the way.

I think you can also draw a parallel from this song to punk rock, and the 'play to destroy' mentality. We have all chipped plenty of teeth, gotten bruised up, sliced up, even a busted rib along the way. There is something about that 30 minutes when you're playing where your well being just doesn't seem to matter. The 3 B sides songs are literally about sex, drugs, and rock n roll (as long as Xanax and Autoerotic Asphyxiation still fall into that category).

Artwork was done for the EP by the lovely Marissa Paternoster of Screaming Females fame.”

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