Five Faves: Ryan Neff of Miss May I picks his favorite pre-show warm-up songs

We here at AP know you internet denizens love lists. And we know that folks in bands have other interests beyond cranking out decibels. So here’s Five Faves, a column that solicits a list of five subjects from a number of various rockers.

This week, RYAN NEFF, bassist for metal mavens MISS MAY I, lets you in on the songs he plays to get his adrenaline pumping before taking the stage.

Pantera – “Primal Concrete Sledge”

This is my favorite Pantera track. It comes in with punishing double bass and a super-heavy bassline right off the bat. “Walk” got me into Pantera when I was in high school, which lead me to pick up every record. I proudly wear a Pantera patch during every show. They always get me pumped.

White Zombie – “Black Sunshine”

One of my favorite songs by my favorite band. I remember watching the music video for this song as a kid and being afraid and intrigued all at once. The opening bassline was one of the first I learned, and I still remember it to this day.

In Flames – “Where The Dead Ships Dwell”

Massive riffs in this one. I love the production on this entire record, and the vocal performance is awesome. The mix of abrasive screaming and unique singing really makes this album a fun one to listen to, and even more fun to try and learn how to perform.

Lamb Of God – “Redneck”

A classic LOG tune with an awesome music video to back up the riffing. I remember seeing this video on heavy rotation and actually not liking it at first because it was “too heavy” for my taste at the time. Randy [Blythe, frontman] is sporting a bald head in this one which, as a fellow bald dude, is cool to me, obviously.

As I Lay Dying – “The Sound Of Truth”

The main riff in this song has been sung out loud by every member of our band in unison on multiple occasions. Overall, I have to say this is one of my favorite tunes of all time. I absolutely love the whole album. The melodies hook you every time and will be stuck in your head for days.

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