
Leaked pics show Apple's rumored iPhone SE 2—with headphone jack?

[Photo by: Jamie Street]

Leaked images purportedly showing Apple's rumored second-generation iPhone SE are currently causing a wave of speculation among tech lovers. Will the proposed new iPhone SE 2 really keep the headphone jack?

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Take a look at some of the new iPhone photos below, by way of Czech Apple blog LetemSvetemApplem (via 9to5Mac). The unconfirmed pics reveal a second-gen iPhone SE with an aluminum frame but glass back, and it apparently retains Touch ID and the headphone jack.

The new iPhone SE may also get upgraded hardware and improved camera components, as reported by Mashable, but it would probably have the same 4-inch Retina display as on the original SE. (Mashable also reports the source's previous “leaked” iPhone images as fake.)

Rumor has it that Apple will introduce the new iPhone SE this summer. The current SE model remains the cheapest entry into the iPhone world, at $349, so perhaps a lower-priced SE 2 will do well with Apple fans and phone users.

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