
Teenager accused of allegedly plotting terror attack at Justin Bieber concert

[Photo by: Justin Bieber/Facebook]

A 17-year-old Welsh teenager has been accused of plotting a terror attack on the day of a Justin Bieber concert in Cardiff, after searching the internet for details of the event’s security, a court has heard.

According to The Guardian, the teenager was detained at his home by police on June 30, finding a claw hammer, a kitchen knife and “martyrdom letter” in his school bag and discovering that he had conducted online research. On his computer, they found a media file showing a poster for the concert at Cardiff’s Principality Stadium, with searches for “Justin Bieber Cardiff security” saved on his computer from the same day.

The Guardian also report that he penned a note saying he'll “run down the non-believers with a car” and “strike the infidels who oppose Allah in the neck,” with a note his bedroom reading: “I am a soldier of the Islamic State. I have attacked Cardiff today because your government keep on bombing targets in Syria and Iraq. There will be more attacks in the future.” On a laptop found on the property, there were two copies of a propaganda magazine containing “instructions for carrying out knife and vehicle attacks.”

Prosecutor Matthew Brook told the jury: “In this case, the evidence will prove that he became radicalised over the internet. He had terrorist material stored on his computer, he published posts on Instagram which encouraged terrorism, and he was planning a ‘lone wolf’ style attack in the name of Islam. In June of this year, the defendant had been posting material on Instagram. He posted images of terrorists, pictures of the Isis flag and images encouraging a terrorist attack on Cardiff.”

The Guardian reports that he told police that he had been talking to someone on Instagram who told him “he would go to hell because he did not believe in Islam. That person had told him he needed to do an act of terrorism if he wanted to go to paradise.”

However, he claims that he never intended to use the weapons to attack anybody. At this point, the trial is still ongoing.

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