
The Color Morale release covers of Comeback Kid, Thrice, Coldplay, Jimmy Eat World, Misery Signals

The Color Morale have released an EP's worth of covers where each member chose a song special to them. In track listing order, the Artist Inspiration Series includes Comeback Kid's “Wake The Dead,” Thrice's “Stare At The Sun,” Coldplay's “Fix You,” Jimmy Eat World's “Blister” and Misery Signals' “The Failsafe.”

In a past AP feature, Musicians talk about their favorite albums of all time, frontman Garret Rapp talked about Jimmy Eat World's Clarity, so we know “Blister” is his doing. The band's Misery Signals cover also marks the first time guitarist/vocalist Aaron Saunders has done vocals on a full track for TCM.

It's available now from Apple Music.

Stream everything below via Spotify:

Here's the teaser video for good measure:

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