
Brand New's full-length albums, ranked by you

This past weekend, Chili's proved their love for Brand New—and shared their hot take on the band’s album ranking.

Of course, fans had an equally hot take on the band's album ranking, so we had to ask: How do fans rank Brand New's albums?

And you responded.

Read more: You voted: Here are the top 20 Brand New songs of all time

It's a close tie between The Devil And God and Deja for number one…

And below is the fan ranking of Brand New's albums:
1. The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me
2. Deja Entendu
3. Science Fiction
4. Your Favorite Weapon
5. Daisy

The poll is still open—if you don't agree, cast your vote now!


How would you rank Brand New's albums? Let us know in the comments below!

QUIZ: Which Brand New album are you?


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