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Arcade Fire's publicist has been "Arcade fired"

Arcade Fire have apologized for the social media campaign they embarked on for the release of their new album, Everything Now.

From dress code “rules” at their shows to $109 fidget spinners, the band are claiming they were not behind these bizarre album release strategies.

Read more: Arcade Fire’s strict dress code for Brooklyn Show gets best reactions online

Last month, the band came under fire for their dress code policy they announced for their Everything Now release show. The dress code provided strict details on what concert-goers can and cannot wear, as well as a—dare we say it—”phone-free viewing policy.”

And not to mention those $109 dollar fidget spinners…

Now, they’ve released a, er, bizarre statement to apologize for the campaign, claiming that Tannis Wright “wasn’t being truthful with the band or our fans at all times” and now the band will be regaining control of their social channels, marketing and publicity.

Read their statement below:

People have truly had the best response to it, too:

What are your thoughts on this bizarre social media campaign? Let us know in the comments below!

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