
Metro Station's Trace Cyrus apologizes for comments towards Issues' Skyler Acord

Metro Station’s Trace Cyrus and Issues bassist Skyler Acord recently traded a few comments back and forth on Twitter. Cyrus’ tweets have since been deleted. Concerning the situation, however, he has issued a public apology. “I want to apologize for taking to my Twitter to have any back and forth with one of Tyler Carter’s band mates. I should of [sic] been the bigger man and not responded. The only reason I did it is I was just so shocked at the negative energy he sent my way.”

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His full statement can be read below.

“I want to apologize for taking to my Twitter to have any back and forth with one of Tyler Carters band mates. I should of been the bigger man and not responded. The only reason I did it is I was just so shocked at the negative energy he sent my way. Tyler Carter reached out to me recently and was so positive, respectful, and nice. And me seeing such a different side to one of his band mates that I assume he considers a friend just shocked me. It just makes me sad when there are bands that I like their music and respect them and they just have negative things to say towards me without knowing me personally. I love every band on this planet because I know the struggle of how hard It is to tour, be away from family and friends, and live this lifestyle. But when someone who hasn't met me or knows me personally has negative things to say I just can't respect that. Again I am sorry for even acknowledging the negative energy directed towards me and I will focus on being the bigger man in the future.”

Acord’s side of the situation is as follows:

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