
Fashion show for men's underwear reportedly shut down after turning into all-out mosh pit

Under the right circumstances, mosh pits can break out virtually anywhere. The only caveat is that outside of a metal-based concert, it may be interpreted as a riot. 

A few weeks ago, fashion agency The Eighth held a show for their upcoming line of underwear at the New York City gym Church Street Boxing, (via Breitbart)

Read more: Knife wielding man beaten unconscious by crowd after slashing fan in mosh pit

Long story short, there was a Lucha Libre wrestling match, which featured two masked warriors clothed in nothing more than Eighth undies and knee-high socks. The assumedly staged debacle was followed by a performance from rapper Travis Scott, which sent the already-buzzed crowd into a frenzy. After objects began getting haphazardly thrown in all directions and a riot-like mosh pit broke out, venue owner Marc Sprung reportedly came in a shut the event down by kicking everyone out. 

You can see a brief video of the crowd beginning to lose their shit below.

#TravisScott boma ye! #MilkMade

A video posted by erik pettie (@er1kp) on

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