
You Me At Six offer NFL $2 million to play Super Bowl Halftime Show

In light of the NFL's allegedly newly instituted pay-to-play policyYou Me At Six have issued a multi-tiered proposal to the league, which contains an initial offer of two million dollars to perform the gig. You can read the open-letter in full below.

It should also be noted that the band recently performed BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend Festival in Glasgow, where they somewhat ironically shared the stage with Coldplay and Katy Perry, two names who have been thrown into the hat as consideration for the show. 

Dear NFL:

We're sorry to hear that you're in such dire financial straits. While Coldplay and Rihanna mull your offer, we're here to help with a multi-tiered proposal:

1.      For $2 Million: We get to play the upcoming halftime show.

2.      For $10 Million, one of us gets to quarterback a set of downs for the team of our choosing.

3.      For $40 Million, the Super Bowl will be played with English football rules, where you must use your feet, and an actual ball.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts once you've had a chance to review.  We welcome any of the Super Bowl committee to attend one of our upcoming American concerts. Our tour kicks off September 15 at the Troubadour in Los Angeles, CA.


You Me At Six

(Josh, Dan, Max Chris, Matt)”

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