
Grumpy Cat visited Hot Topic’s headquarters, "it was awful"

Grumpy Cat (Real name: Tardar Sauce), the internet sensation who has been meme-ified and black-metaled for its perpetually disgruntled expression (an effect of feline dwarfism), visited Hot Topic’s headquarters recently, and the store were sure to document the experience.

Grumpy Cat at Hot Topic HQ

Grumpy cat meets himself on a tank-top

I met a model once. I hated it.
Grumpy Cat meets Hot Topic model

View the full gallery on Hot Topic’s Facebook page.

Peruse the #GrumpyCatVisitsHT tag to see the image macros people are creating using the new shots.

Hot Topic sells various T-shirts and tank-tops featuring the famous cat, many of which are marked with perturbed slogans. Find them on Hot Topic’s online store.

Grumpy Cat is no stranger to making high-profile appearances. The feline made headlines as the “star” of SXSW earlier this year. Unfortunately, no one from the AP office had the chance to meet her while there.

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