
Fucked Up discuss next album

Toronto's Fucked Up recently chatted with Rolling Stone about writing the follow-up to 2011's David Comes To Life. Read an excerpt below.

“I think it'd be dishonest to try and make exactly the same thing again, because that's not what you'd want to do,” [frontman Damian] Abraham says. “You want to try something new. Obviously, we're working with a fairly defined sonic palette. But I think there are different ways we want to try things.”

While there is no timeline for the next album, Abraham has goals in mind. “Everyone in the band is a real workhorse except for me,” he says. “They actually practice every day. So we're gonna be hopefully recording in the winter, maybe for next fall. I like records coming out in fall because that's my power season. That's my birthday, so I feel like when I was in school if I made any advancement it had to be in September.”

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