The Mars Volta post full stream of live album

The Mars Volta. Awesome, right? Right. As we announced a few weeks ago, the band are releasing a full-length live album, titled scabdates (don't forget the all-important lowercase "s"!), tomorrow, Nov. 8. At the time, we only had some individual-song audio streams for you to check out, but we pulled a few strings and have acquired full-album audio streams for you to wrap yourself around, completely free of charge. You can thank us later; for now, check out scabdates from start to finish in either Real Audio or Windows Media. (I'm listening to the disc right now, and "Concertina" sounds absolutely killer.) If you missed the tracklisting before, here it is one more time:

scabdates tracklisting:

1. abrasions mount the timpani

2. take the veil cerpin taxt

3. a) gust of mutts

4. b) and ghosted pouts

5. caviglia

6. concertina

7. haruspex

8. cicatriz

9. a) pt I

10. b) pt II

11. c) pt III

12. d) pt IV

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