Shan Dan Horan


Op-Ed: Here’s what shows could really look like when they finally return

The music industry is dying. Then again, critics have been saying the same thing for the past 50 years. From the onset of FM radio, MTV, MP3s and streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music, all new innovations have always been met as the harbinger of the end of the music industry as we […]

Top 5 biggest myths about the music industry debunked

I find it impossible to explain what I do for a living to my family. They (like most people) only understand the music industry from what they’ve seen in movies or though paper-thin conversations with local bands who “know how it works.” This in itself is a problem because it perpetuates myths that just aren’t […]

Top 5 things I’m absolutely sick of hearing from bands

Having worked in the music industry for over a decade, I’ve heard an astronomical amount of major BS from bands in my career. Not only do I often get to play the part of a grown adult’s babysitter/manager/boss sometimes, but as their primary investor, I dump tons of money into their career (with no guarantee […]

5 biggest enemies of a local band explained by an insider

If you’re just starting out in the music industry, then you likely have a lot of questions. From booking shows to just getting your name out there, there are a lot of different factors to navigate as a local band. We turned to Shan Dan Horan, the president of SBG Records (ex-Artery Recordings/Outerloop Records/Century Media), […]

5 alternate ways your band can make money

[Gif by:] Hey, being in a band can be expensive! Replacing cymbals, paying for gas, buying a tour van — it all adds up. Usually, bands foot the bill from their day jobs, but there are other ways. Here are some additional sources of income for your band. Read more: 11 ways to completely destroy […]

11 ways to completely destroy your music career

The music industry is a beautiful place, but it can also be a total nightmare. I’ve helped bands become huge success stories, but I’ve also seen bands make some serious mistakes (that destroyed their careers). Below are some cautionary tales to help you navigate the chaotic waters of  the music industry and prevent you from […]

5 mistakes you might be making with your band right now

Everyone makes mistakes. It's part of learning the ropes of any profession, and a band is no different. We turned to Shan Dan Horan, the president of Artery Recordings, to offer some advice on avoiding rookie mistakes. Here’s what he had to say:  Read more: Is your band REALLY ready to be on a record label? Are you focused on […]

Independent bands: Here’s why no one is coming to your shows (yet)

[Photo by Carter Perrier] The biggest driving force for any musician’s career is built on the amount of fans you have. It’s a no-brainer: The more people who listen to your music and attend your shows, the more success and leverage you have (obviously, right?). This is true from the smallest aspect of the music […]

Is your band REALLY ready to be on a record label?

[Photo illustration by Deanna Zamudio] If you’re currently grinding it out in a basement or garage somewhere, chances are “being signed” is on your list of long-term goals. (Don’t have a list of long-term goals? Make one.) But, we offer a reality check: Are you actually ready to be in a partnership with a record […]