
David Bowie has constellation named after him

What could be more appropriate for the Starman himself? Following the death of legendary music icon David Bowie, a constellation has been named in his honor.

Read more: Looking back: AP’s ‘lost’ 2001 interview with David Bowie

The constellation is a seven-star arrangement, fittingly in the shape of a lightning bolt. The arrangement was picked by MIRA Public Observatory in Belgium. “Studio Brussels asked us to give Bowie a unique place in the galaxy. Referring to his various albums, we chose seven stars — Sigma Librae, Spica, Alpha Virginis, Zeta Centauri, SAA 204 132, and the Beta Sigma Octantis Trianguli Australis — in the vicinity of Mars. The constellation is a copy of the iconic Bowie lightning and was recorded at the exact time of his death,” Philippe Mollet from MIRA told a Belgian news outlet

There's also an interactive website called Stardust for Bowie, in which users can tack their favorite Bowie song with a brief note onto a Google Sky map. You can follow that link to see the exact shape of the constellation.
