
2013 Readers Poll: Artist Who Should Have Gotten An AP Cover

When counting results for this category, we discovered that many of you seemed pleased with our cover selections this year (thank you!) judging by the number of artists we had to disqualify due to their already having been on our cover in 2013.

And, if we had counted “I don't know,” “IDK,” “no one” and “N/A,” it would have come in at a firm second.

3. Issues

“Their whole story would be a great cover story, and they're getting all the recognition they deserve.”
–Chris Simopoulos | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2. All Time Low

“They've been going hard in this scene for a while now and need more recognition.”
–Tanya Silenko, f4nt4size | Brooklyn, NY

1. The Maine

“Independent band who are always changing in the best way possible and making things that are sincere.”
–Laura Akemi, @m0therfuckinfox | São Paulo, Brazil


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