Friday Fives with Alex Koehler of Chelsea Grin

We here at AP know you internet denizens love lists. And we know that folks in bands have other interests beyond cranking out decibels. So here’s Friday Fives, a column that solicits a list of five subjects from a number of various rockers.

ALEX KOEHLER, frontman for seething metalcore squadron CHELSEA GRIN, explains his list to us, thusly: “We're getting ready for tour, so I figured I'd make a list of five tour essentials.”

Wet Wipes
Just in case you go a while without a shower, they make you feel a tad bit cleaner.

Nothing is worse than dirty underwear on tour.

Fresh threads
You gotta dress to impress.

I would literally go crazy without it. It provides many ways to subdue the boredom.

Monster energy drink
Sometimes you just really need a boost.

If you want to see the effects these things can have on a band, check out Chelsea Grin on tour right now.

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