
Instagram changes the way @mentions translate to Twitter

Instagram has posted a blog detailing how the popular photo-sharing app will deal with @mentions  going forward.

If you have ever mentioned an instagram user within the app whose Twitter handle is different, you know what a hassle it can be when you choose to share the post via Twitter, only to accidentally @mention some a random stranger.

Instagram will now automatically translate Instagram @mentions to Twitter handles in post shared to Twitter for users mentioned who have their Twitter account connected to instagram.

Instagram gives the following simple expanation of the new handle conversion:

“If the @mentioned user has connected Instagram to Twitter:


The user’s Instagram username will appear in the photo caption
The user’s Twitter username will appear in the tweet
If the @mentioned user has not connected Instagram to Twitter:

The user’s Instagram username will appear in the photo caption
The @ sign will be removed from the username when shared to Twitter
For @mentions that do not match any Instagram usernames, the @ sign will remain when shared to Twitter.”

The only problem with this new practice that I foresee is that the instagram post makes no mention of being able to disable the feature.

So, if you @mention someone in a photo post  for the purpose of mentioning them on Twitter rather than tagging them on instagram, but an instagram user happens to have your friend's Twitter handle as their instagram name, but is, well, not your friend, you might still end up accidentally @mentioning a random stranger anyway.