Live updates from AP French Correspondent Romain Jeanticou

A terrorist attack and hostage situation erupted in Paris late Friday night. Alternative Press' French Correspondent Romain Jeanticou (@romainjeanticou) was ten minutes outside of the city center when attacks began. 

How did you first realize that something had gone down?

I am in a tiny bar named Le Gambetta Club where I was seeing the Australian band Closure In Moscow and some friends' band opening. One of my friends texted me on my way to the show to check where I was because a friend told her there were gunshots in the city center. I looked it up on Twitter, it was 9:50 PM here. There were only a few tweets from people near the venue Le Bataclan. A terrorist attack and hostage situation has erupted in Paris and is currently ongoing. Alternative Press Correspondent @RomainJeanticou is currently 10 minutes outside of Paris. I knew my girlfriend was in a bar near Le Bataclan with some friends. She texted me before I had finished my text to her, saying they were locked up in the bar and had heard a very large number of gunshots from Le Bataclan.

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