
Here are the most popular places in the world for music lovers

Where has been your favorite city to attend a show? Expedia has tracked information from concerts across the globe in partnership with Songkick to uncover the most popular places on Earth for live music lovers.

The best question: Did your city make the cut? Check out the results below!

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According to the data, the U.S. has the most gigs by far, with 179,585 shows in the set timeframe. The U.K. came in a (not so close) second with 46,176.

[Photo by: Expedia]

However, when they sort the number of gigs by city, the U.K. actually takes the crown, with London boasting 11,923 gigs in the set timeframe. NYC comes in a close second, with 11,089 shows in a set timeframe.

[Photo by: Expedia]

And if you're curious to see how the U.S. cities rank in terms of popularity for shows, check out the top 10 below!

New York
SF Bay Area
Dallas – Fort Worth
Las Vegas

Where does your city rank? And better yet, where's your favorite city for shows? Let us know in the comments below!

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