Frank Iero forms adorable Twitter friendship with ‘Umbrella Academy’ star

Frank Iero and The Umbrella Academy’s Aidan Gallagher have formed the most adorable Twitter friendship we have ever seen. After Gallagher started geeking out over being noticed by the My Chemical Romance dad, Iero made a video about Gallagher with his child, Cherry.

The video depicts Iero talking to Cherry about one of her favorite shows, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn. Additionally, the clip details how one of the show’s stars (Gallagher) is “psyched” that her dad knows who he is.

Read more: ‘The Umbrella Academy’ not yet renewed for Season 2 after all

“So the kid from that show, his name is Aidan Gallagher,” Iero says. “He’s in daddy’s friend’s Gerard’s show. He’s a character named Five. And he’s psyched that I know who he is.”

However, Cherry doesn’t quite make the connection straight away, as she replies, “Why?”

“Because I’m COOL,” Iero quickly says.

However, the adorable interaction doesn’t stop there. Gallagher continued to freak out when he quote-tweeted Iero’s video.

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The entire Twitter interaction follows fans wanting Gallagher’s character in the show to be Iero’s namesake. After an overwhelming amount of people asked the show to rename Five “Frank,” the Umbrella Academy Twitter CC’d Iero himself, to which Iero replied, “I would be honored! … I would also require 15%.”

Recently, Iero shared his thoughts on The Umbrella Academy in an Instagram post.

“This week has been super rad,” Iero says. “Two of my friends with two incredible releases! @gerardway’s @umbrellaacad & @gregfstone’s comedy album. So proud of both these guys making their dreams and their visions become a reality.”

Additionally, Iero working diligently on music with his new band, Frank Iero And The Future Violents. Yesterday, he may have revealed one of the band’s members.

What is your favorite dad moment from Frank Iero? Sound off in the comments below.

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