
You can now follow #hashtags on Instagram

You follow your BFFs. You follow your favorite bands. And now you can follow your favorite hashtags on Instagram! Today, the social media platform introduced the ability to follow hashtags, giving users new ways to discover photos, videos and people on Instagram.

Read more: How to find your top nine Instagram posts of 2017

So, how does it work? It's pretty simple, actually. Simply search a topic you're interested in, or tap a hashtag from a post you love. When you find that hashtag you like (#brendonurie, for example…), simply open the hashtag page and tap the “Follow” button. You'll begin to see top posts from the hashtag in your feed, as well as some of the latest stories in your stories bar.

And if your timeline is flooded, you can always unfollow the hashtag. (But you can never have too much Brendon Urie, obviously.)

See how it works below:

Instagram follow hashtags
[Photo by: Instagram]

Will you be following any hashtags in particular? Let us know your faves in the comments below!
