Electric Six

Electric Six

I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me From Being The Master


You aren’t going to find a whole lot of people who can reel off a list of Electric Six songs beyond the viral dance-hall sensation “Gay Bar.” It’s a shame the one hit wonder curse could fall on a group of otherwise skilled electro-rockers who may, admittedly, listen to just a bit too much Devo in their spare time (naming the album’s fantastic fourth track “Rip It!” doesn’t help). Much like quirky contemporaries Ima Robot and Junior Senior, Electric Six take a more rocking approach to the ’80s-club throwback style, with a healthy dose of sex appeal. There’s a nice mix of sassy piano and synth riffs with straight-ahead rock ’n’ roll throughout the album’s 50-plus minutes of relentless fun, making it a compelling pitch for the band’s live show. If you like to get down, you know what to do. This record’s already got us dancing in wildly inappropriate places. (METROPOLIS; metropolis-records.com) Kevin Wade

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