



For fans of the historically undersung and over-too-soon trio Morphine, A.K.A.C.O.D. is an incredibly welcome near second-coming. While the late Mark Sandman can never be replaced, brooding saxmeister Dana Colley recreates the band’s atmosphere with unassuming ease. Colley is deliciously subtle as ever, tearing away in quiet corners on songs like “Hypnotized” and the rumbling title track. The choice of a female voice in Monique Ortiz is a wise one, avoiding any head-on admission of willful impersonation. Still, Ortiz plain-states sinuous and sexy lyrics, glides her fingers across a two-string slide bass, performing in a way that belies the influence of, well, Sandman. Hailing from the extended Morphine camp, drummer Larry Dersch (Binary System) naturally slips into the vibe, as well. For Morphine fans, A.K.A.C.O.D. will occupy a welcome space somewhere between a reunion and a tribute, while making a solid album in their own right. (SELF-RELEASED) Jeff Leven

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