Adam Green

Adam Green

Sixes & Sevens


Check the sky for locusts–an album featuring the Moldy Peaches recently landed at the top of the charts. Good timing for ex-Peach Adam Green: Nothing on Sixes & Sevens quite lives up to the giddy brilliance of the Juno soundtrack’s “Anyone Else But You” (although "Drowning Head First" echoes its lovey-dovey duet delivery nicely), but the music will still inspire you to draw hearts around your crush’s name in your fifth-period notebook. Green’s spaced-out, folk-mugging, cornball anachronistic delivery and minimal bedroom orchestration place him in an entirely alternate temporal dimension on tracks like "Tropical Island," something straight out of some Elvis-in-Hawaii Technicolor dream. Like “Jessica,” his now-classic ode to the elder Simpson sister, Sixes straddles a line between irony and straight-faced oddity so fine, it’s invisible. But when you pay attention to the cracked-out lyrics on songs like "Be My Man," you realize there’s no other time or place a creature like Green could exist. Lucky us. (ROUGH TRADE) Luke O’Neil

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