The Looks

[3/5] The distortion-heavy death-storm duo known as Death From Above 1979 are fucking awesome. You understand this. Now, imagine that band channeling their love for noise-caked Black Sabbath licks into pulsating club anthems, and what you get is the two-headed (literally, DFA79 bassist Jesse F. Keeler and producer Al-P) dance monster MSTRKRFT. Like that of their other outlet, MSTRKRFT’s music is sweaty and thick, convincingly urgent and highly sexual, only it’s full-on house music, glow sticks and all. Whether inspired by the city or the socialite, “Paris” is the kind of gritty rave-up that could have its way with either. Basically, it’s like this: The Looks doesn’t suggest that JFK should quit his day job. It does, however, confirm that as moonlighting gigs go, MSTRKRFT is one worth keeping.
(LASTGANG) Tristan Staddon

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