Pony Up!

Pony Up!

Make Love To The Judges With Your Eyes

[4/5] Pony Up!, who were enthusiastically punctuating their moniker long before anyone began to panic! at the disco, are one of those bands no one really knows, even though everyone probably should. The all-female Canadian foursome have been crafting cute, eclectic, keyboard-driven songs for years, and they even got themselves on tour with Ben Lee by harassing him at a show, all prior to releasing an understated EP featuring a song titled “Marlon Brando’s Laundromat.” Their new full-length, Make Love To The Judges With Your Eyes, is similarly charming, with similarly curious song titles such as “The Truth About Cats And Dogs (Is That They Die),” only with clearer, richer production and the absence of one band member. It’s not necessarily daring or innovative, but Make Love is like an adorable puppy you’ll want to bring home with you: It’s cute and playful now, but in a few years, it’ll likely grow into something more mature and refined-and dangerous. (DIM MAK) Emily Zemler

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