Big D And The Kids Table/Brain Failure

Big D And The Kids Table/Brain Failure

Beijing To Boston

[3.5/5] While it may seem like a novelty at first glance-a NorCal scene sound-alike punk band from the land of the rising sun-Brain Failure, from Beijing, are no gimmick. They successfully cram the snarly gutterpunk abandon of Rancid’s 1993 self-titled debut onto the first half of this split with Boston’s swill-core spunk band Big D And The Kids Table. In fact, Brain Failure sound a tad more authentic than Big D, who are ultra-clean compared to Brain Failure’s sweaty boom. Big D do the Propagandhi-meets-Osker thing with horns, and do it well. The galloping double-kick drums pull heavily from the early-’90s Fat/Epitaph playbook, which is great, but Big D lack the punch of NOFX or even A Wilhelm Scream. Since both bands are from different punk family trees, if you like punk, you’re bound to like at least one of them. (BAD NEWS) Casey Lynch

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